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Category Archives: Cane
Reverse flick.
Today’s practice was all about throwing my cane up in the air and catching it. The throwing is so easy. Making sure it lands where you want it to, not so much. I’ve been practicing it on-and-off since last week. … Continue reading
Horizontal Hands
Between a party, a heavy practice session, and getting back into bicycling, everything hurt today. So I focused on how to shape my hands while doing horizontal spins. In my explorations, I found two basic positions that feel natural and … Continue reading
Bounce and Slide
Been feeling really beat today. So I limited myself to single cane. The first thing that came up was a bicep bounce. What you do is you put your arms out in front of you, elbows down, palms down, cane … Continue reading
Lunch Time Practice – Points of Play
I started working on staff last year as part of my transition from “I only do cane.” to “Learn all the props!”. It’s been slow going. Fire cane is, after all, my first love and my most practiced prop. After … Continue reading
Posted in Cane, Flow Arts, Meteor, Staff
Tagged flow cane, flow meteor, flow staff, practice
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Lunch Time Practice
I really must take more video of what I do. For example, today I was practicing a back-pass that goes like this: Balance the cane (parallel to the ground) on your hand in front of you, foot pointing away from … Continue reading
Lunch Time Practice
I’m just out of it today. I’m out of it physically from last night’s spin jam. I’m out of it mentally for… well… I’m not sure why. And I’m out of it emotionally. A guy that I’ve known since college … Continue reading
Lunch Time Practice
A modest day in the world of practice. Walking out to lunch, I worked on my single cane technique. Horizontal, vertical, in front, behind the back, etc. Then I realized I could toss the cane while in a ceiling plane … Continue reading