Author Archives: D. J. Carmen

About D. J. Carmen

Software developer, fire spinner, musician, occasional artist, and wandering soul. Depending on the day, you may find me working on my latest project, walking about the park, or skipping stones by the river.

Making things and tracking parts

Every once in a while, I get the urge to use some sort of app to manage my parts: something open source and linux friendly. However, all I seem to find are projects that require you to set up a … Continue reading

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I spent tonight hanging out with one of my friends who’s part of a circle of friends that is more than just friends. They’re a lesson in the art of being a friend. So as we were hanging out, we … Continue reading

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Cleanup Time!

Seriously. It’s been about 2-1/2 years since my last post. Almost makes me wonder why I keep this site running. Time to fix that. I set this site up as a public place to share what I’m thinking and what … Continue reading

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The Eternal Upkeep Challenge

“You can only live three lives.” Maybe that’s not the precise quote. But it’s something I think about. Between work and a rather demanding hobby, I had just about forgotten about this site. There was just too much going on … Continue reading

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Time to get back to posting. First up: “Windows 8.1 vs Linux Mint”

A few days ago, I was playing a game on the Windows partition of my laptop. I finished up the game, and there was a message telling me that the Windows 8.1 update was ready to be installed. Several reboots … Continue reading

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The Canes

Hello there. I know it’s been a while. But I’ve been busy. Life does get in the way sometimes. Here they are, a quick array of canes. The top two are examples of my everyday fire canes. Starting with the … Continue reading

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I just spent I don’t know how many hours going through my collection looking for a song to choreograph some cane spinning to. What do I got? 23 tracks, and I still don’t know which one I want to use. … Continue reading

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The why of it all.

As I sit here about to get ready to leave the office for the week, it hits me that I really don’t get why I do all the things I do. Let’s see. There’s dance classes, playing my fiddle at … Continue reading

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Juggling: Ant-like Progress

It felt good to pull out the juggling balls today. Walking out to lunch, I was getting six catches with a surprising level of consistency. After lunch, it was more like 5. Well… There was a warm-up period for each … Continue reading

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Fresh Hoops

Not too long ago, a friend of mine from my college days pops up on Facebook with her latest venture, hooping! Turns out that she not only hoops, but she makes & sells hoops and teaches hooping. Well she finally … Continue reading

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