I just spent I don’t know how many hours going through my collection looking for a song to choreograph some cane spinning to. What do I got? 23 tracks, and I still don’t know which one I want to use. Those songs are just going to have to go into a player and get spun to until one of them stands out. Then comes the movement. Whatever song I choose, I’m going to spin to until it feels like I’m getting somewhere. I need to burn on video to get a feel for the burn time. Then comes the choreographic breakdown and composition.
You’d think this would be easy. I’m even sure it is easy. However, I just can’t seem to settle on a song. This song’s too long. That song’s lyrics are totally off. And those other songs just don’t seem quite right. Whatever. It’s time. I’d say it’s even past time. If I don’t force myself to sit down and just do it, it isn’t going to get done…
No. I need to move through this.